Eimear Draper, known as The Straight Talking Dating Coach, empowers singles to be confident daters, truly open to letting love in and armed with positive habits to put them in the driving seat rather than waiting for things to happen to them.
She is passionate about getting people unstuck in their romantic lives by igniting their confidence with a deep-rooted belief that they will find their person. Empowering them with positive actions to get to their happy healthy relationship.
You are free to use these photos digitally with our permission as long as you include photographer’s credit.
Please send a link at eimear@kindlingdating.com to where they are being used.
Salma El-Wardany interviews Sam and Eimear
This is their Love in London story
Suzy Walker shares her Personal Experience of Dating Coaching with Kindling Dating.... spoiler alert three months on she's in a relationship
Photo Credit: Andrew Fox
Eimear speaks with Bern Young on the NightLife Show ABC Radio
Dating and Finding Love over 50
Suzy Walker Shares how I cracked the code for online dating after years of being single.
Mikhaila Friel speaks to expert about how we have lost the art of flirting, and how it could make dating better.
Sharing tips on how to Regain Control of Your Love Life with DatingAdvice.com
Sharing my personal experience of finding my ex had online dating profiles active whilst we were together and my advice for anyone that's been cheated on.
Olivia Devereux-Evans
The Big Debate, Angela Kennedy looks at Should You Date a Younger Man
Katie Stick looks at How Covid Lockdowns impacted the love lives of Londoners
Top Ten Tips for Finding Love Over 50 Anna Maxted interviews Stephen from Kindling Dating
Judy Cogan, Investigates 18 ways to find love in real life by taking dating offline
Shahed Ezaydi, Speaks to Experts to get the 13 most important questions to ask on a first date
Judy Cogan, Gets Experts to share 20 Ways to get through a Relationship Rough Patch
Hear from Eimear about what working with a Dating Coach entails.
Find the Dating Persona Keeping You Stuck and Get Your FREE Audio Series to Move Forward.